Kata malaikat berasal dari kata Yunani "Angelos" yang berarti "utusan".
Dalam Kristen, Islam, Yahudi dan teologi lainnya, malaikat dapat menjadi salah satu yang bertindak sebagai petugas, agen atau utusan Tuhan.
Sepanjang Alkitab secara umum terlihat bahwa kehendak Tuhan biasanya disampaikan atau dilakukan oleh malaikat.
Malaikatpun memiliki tingkatan tertentu, Archangel adalah suatu kelompok penghulu malaikat yang merupakan pemimpin dari suatu pasukan malaikat di sorga.
Semua Archangel pada umumnya diakhiri dengan akhiran "el". "El" berarti "dalam Tuhan",
dan nama pertama mereka memiliki arti tersendiri sebagaimana tugas dan kelebihan mereka.
Archangel adalah malaikat tertinggi. Kedudukannya lebih tinggi di antara para malaikat yang lainnya.
Archangel dapat ditemukan melalui sumber dari beberapa religi, antara lain Kristen, Yahudi, Islam, Yudaisme, Zoroastrianisme, dan Wecca.
Saking banyaknya sumber, ada yang menganggap beberapa Archangel berasal dari sumber apokrif .
Meskipun demikian, nama-nama Archangel tercatat lintas tradisi.
Dalam bahasa Yunani, Archangel ditulis αρχάγγελος yang berarti Archangelos.
1. MICHAEL *******

Nama Michael berarti "One Who is as God" dan teriakan perang para malaikat dalam pertempuran berjuang di surga melawan Satan dan para pengikutnya. Kitab Suci menggambarkan Michael sebagai "salah satu ketua dari Princes of Heaven," dan sebagai pemimpin pasukan surga dalam kemenangan mereka atas kekuasaan neraka. Dia telah dihormati dan dipanggil sebagai pelindung dari zaman para Rasul. Meskipun ia selalu disebut "malaikat," orang Yunani dan banyak orang di lain tempat menyebutnya sebagai "Pangeran dari Seraphim (Orde of Angel)".
Michael sering digambarkan sebagai pemuda tampan memiliki sayap dengan warna biru terang dan pedang terhunus, tombak, perisai serta timbangan keadilan.
Dia tidak pernah terlihat tersenyum setelah neraka diciptakan.
Dia diciptakan sebelum Gabriel. Tuhan telah menciptakan malaikat Michael dan memberikan kepadanya tanggung jawab alam, hujan, salju, guntur, petir, angin, dan awan. Tuhan telah menunjuk ciptaan lengkap malaikat untuk membantu dia dan ditempatkan di bawah komandonya.
Dia tahu setiap saat di mana ia harus mengirim hujan, angin, salju, dan awan tanpa usaha di pihaknya. Para malaikat yang membantunya berbagai ukuran dari ukuran paling besar hingga kecil.
Mikail (bahasa Ibrani מיכאל Micha'el atau Mîkhā’ēl, bahasa Latin Michael atau Míchaël) adalah penghulu malaikat atau pemimpin bala tentara surga yang disebut dalam Kitab Wahyu 12:7. Dalam Alkitab Ibrani Mikail hanya disebutkan namanya dalam konteks Persia dari Kitab Daniel pasca-pembuangan. Hanya dalamDaniel sajalah Mikail muncul— sebagai "salah seorang pangeran kepala" yang dalam penglihatan Daniel datang untuk menolong malaikat Gabriel dalam pergumulannya melawan malaikat Persia. Ia juga digambarkan sebagai pembela Israel (10:21, 12:1).
Tradisi Talmud menerangkan bahwa namanya berarti dia "yang seperti El (Allah)" (tetapi secara harafiah berarti "Serupa dengan El") (bandingkan dengan Mikha, salah satu nabi yang belakangan), namun menurut Rabi Simeon ben Lakish (230-270 M), semua nama yang spesifik dari para malaikat dibawa kembali oleh orang-orang Yahudi dari Babel. Banyak penafsir modern yang setuju dengan pernyataan ini.
Mikail adalah salah satu malaikat utama dalam tradisi Abrahamik. Namanya konon adalah seruan peperangan para malaikat dalam pertempuran yang mereka lakukan di sorga dalam melawan Setan dan para pengikutnya.
Tokoh Mikail diduga berasal dari Khaldea sebagai dewa atau roh pelindung. Ia diterima oleh orang-orang Yahudi dan kemudian muncul sebagai malaikat penting dalam cerita rakyat Yahudi sehingga ia dihormati sebagai malaikat pelindung bangsa-bangsa (dari 70 atau 72 negara menurut sumber-sumber lain).
Dia adalah salah satu dari tujuh Archangel yang berdiri di hadapan takhta Tuhan.
2. GABRIEL *******

Nama Gabriel berarti "Man of God" atau "God Has Shown Himself Mightily" atau "Strength of God".
Gabriel merupakan salah satu dari dua malaikat ranking tertinggi.
Dia adalah malaikat terkemuka yang berdiri di hadapan Tuhan sebagai asisten-Nya. Dia adalah Malaikat akan Kabar Sukacita, kemanusiaan, kebangkitan, surga rahmat, dendam, kematian, wahyu, kebenaran, harapan, Pembawa berita, pembawa yang mengungkapkan jawaban, dan pembuat perubahan.
Gabriel adalah seorang malaikat yang muncul dalam Alkitab.
Gabriel disebut sebagai malaikat yang tugasnya menyampaikan pesan Tuhan kepada manusia. Salah satu pesan yang pernah disampaikan adalah berita kelahiran Yesus Kristus kepada Maria yang tertulis dalam Injil Lukas (Luk. 1: 19, 26).Ia menerangkan penglihatan kepada Daniel (Dan. 8:16; 9:2 1). Dan ia juga diutus kepada Zakharia.
Gabriel adalah malaikat yang menyampaikan berita kelahiran Yesus Kristus kepada Maria (Lukas 1:19-26) dan kelahiran Yohanes Pembaptis kepada Zakharia, ayahnya. Ia juga menerangkan penglihatan kepada Daniel (Daniel 8:16; 9:21).
Di dalam budaya Semitik nama selalu punya arti sebagai tanda untuk menyatakan sesuatu atau penanda-ingat. Dalam bahasa Ibrani dan bahasa Aram, kata Gabriel dibentuk dari dua kata dan disampaikan oleh sang malaikat itu sendiri dgn bahasa yg dimengerti oleh Bangsa Israel, demikian penguraiannya:
- Gabriel (Gamal-Beith-Resh-Alaph-Lamadh) berasal dari
- Gbra = pelindung, perkasa, benteng.
- El = Allah, Tuhan, Eloah.
Secara hurufiah bisa berarti:
- pelindung-Tuhan
- perkasa-Tuhan
- benteng-Tuhan
Menurut agama Islam, malaikat Gabriel (atau lebih dikenal sebagai Jibril) adalah malaikat yang menurunkan Al-Qur'an kepada nabi Muhammad. Selain itu, Gabriel juga diyakini sebagai malaikat yang turun pada saat 10 hari terakhir bulan Ramadhan, yang diyakini sebagai malam awal turunnya Al-Qur'an.
Gabriel adalah salah satu dari tujuh Archangel yang berdiri di hadapan takhta Tuhan
3. RAFAEL *******

Nama Rafael berarti "Medicine of God".
Raphael dibebankan tugas untuk menyembuhkan bumi dan memiliki tugas khusus untuk melindungi anak muda, orang yang tidak bersalah, dan wisatawan.
Dia adalah malaikat doa, kasih, sukacita, providensia, penyembuhan, cahaya, ilmu pengetahuan, dan pengetahuan.
Dia dikaitkan dengan Musim Semi dan kelahiran kembali.
Di atas segalanya, ia adalah malaikat penyembuhan.
Raphael ditemukan dalam kitab Tobit (12) bagian Deuterokanonika. Di dunia, Raphael turun sebagai manusia menemani Tobias muda. Setelah bersama menyembuhkan orang buta di Tobit, maka Raphael (yang tadinya mengaku sebagai Azarias bin Ananias) mengaku kalau dirinya adalah archangel.
Dalam keyakinan Kristen, Raphael tidak disebutkan (karena tidak memuat Deuterokanonika). Akan tetapi ada yang beranggapan bahwa Raphael adalah malaikat yang turun saat terjadi goncangan air di kolam Bethesda (Yohanes 5:1-4). Bagi orang sakit yang masuk pertama kali setelah goncangan itu, orang itu akan sembuh. Malaikat yang bertugas menyembuhkan tidak lain adalah Raphael.
Menurut keyakinan Islam, Raphael (lebih dikenal sebagai Israfil) adalah malaikat yang nanti akan meniupkan sangkakala akhir zaman. Berbeda dengan keyakinan Kristen dan Katolik.
Raphael adalah salah satu dari tujuh Archangel yang berdiri di hadapan takhta Tuhan.

Nama Camael yang berarti "He Who Sees God" or "He Who Loves God".
Juga dikenal sebagai Chamuel, Kemuel: Samuel, Seraphiel, Camiel, Camiul, Khamael, Camniel, Batal dan Jahoel, Malaikat Peciinta Ilahi dan Malaikat Pelindung dari semua yang mengasihi Tuhan. Dia secara tradisional dianggap sebagai kepala Orde Kekuasaan.
Merupakan seorang juru kunci Surga dan Camael juga adalah Kepala dari dua belas ribu Malaikat Destruction.
Camael yang melambangkan keadilan ilahi dan mengatur Surgawi bernyanyi. Camael juga yang bertanggung jawab untuk menjaga Leviathan, raksasa kejahatan yang berwujud ular besar yang akan menelan jiwa orang-orang berdosa pada Hari Kiamat (Judgement Day).
Camael juga yang membawa kepada umat manusia karunia Tuhan yang ada di semua perempuan dan laki-laki.
5. JOPHIEL / ZAPHIEL *******

Juga disebut Jophiel dan Zaphiel, namanya berarti "Beauty of God". Jophiel adalah Malaikat surga dan Malaikat Pelindung Seniman, Archangel Pencerahan, ia mengajarkan kesadaran Kekuatan Cahaya dalam diri sendiri, perasaan, melalui Radiasi Pencerahan, menjadi aspirasi untuk hal-hal rohani. Ia membantu dalam menyerap informasi, belajar untuk dan melewati tes, pembubaran kebodohan, kesombongan, dan pikiran sempit, dan eksposur kesalahan di pemerintah dan perusahaan.
Jophiel membantu dalam memerangi polusi, membersihkan planet kita dan membawa kepada umat manusia karunia Kecantikan.
Jophiel yang dikatakan dalam adat istiadat Yahudi adalah teman dekat Archangel Metatron (bukan Megatron ) dan merupakan salah satu dari para pemimpin paduan suara dari Cherub.
Dia adalah salah satu pangeran (putri?) yang berkuasa di Orde of Thrones dan Guru pertama bagi dunia kita.
adalah Jophiel yang mengusir Adam dan Hawa dari Taman Eden, setelah mereka makan buah dari pohon terlarang. Jika hal ini yang terjadi, maka Jophiel juga menerima kehormatan menjadi malaikat pertama yang disebutkan dalam Alkitab.
Dalam tugasnya, ia merupakan pelindung terakhir menjaga Pohon Kehidupan dengan pedang menyala dan sayapnya yang memiliki aura kuning cerah, untuk mencegah kembalinya manusia.
Dia adalah salah satu dari tujuh Archangel yang berdiri di hadapan takhta Tuhan.
6. ZADKIEL *******

Namanya berarti "Righteousness of God".
Malaikat Kebebasan, kebajikan, rahmat, dan Malaikat Pelindung semua orang yang memaafkan.
Merupakan salah satu dari Malaikat yang Mengawasi Bumi dan dianggap oleh beberapa orang sebagai salah satu Ketua dari Orde of Heaven, Zadkiel dianggap sebagai malaikat belas kasihan.
Zadkiel adalah malaikat yang menahan tangan Abraham untuk mencegahnya dari mengorbankan anaknya, dan karena ini biasanya ia ditampilkan memegang belati. Zadkiel adalah juga salah satu dari dua jenderal perang (bersama dengan Zaphiel) yang mengikuti langsung di belakang Michael sebagai Ketua Malaikat dalam pertempuran.
Ia juga salah satu dari tujuh malaikat yang berdiri di hadapan takhta Tuhan.

Dia adalah saudara kembar dari Metatron dan master lagu (pemusik) .
Dia adalah instrumental dalam membawa diferensiasi seks di embrio adalah hal yang baik untuk melaporkan kepada ibu hamil.
Fungsi utamanya adalah untuk bertindak sebagai panduan.
Also known as
Sandalphon is only one of two archangels whose name doesn’t end with
an “el” (which means “God” in Hebrew). Sandalphon’s name means “brother” in Greek, a reference to his twin brother, the Archangel Metatron. The twins are the only archangels in Heaven who were originally mortal men. Sandalphon was the prophet Elijah, and Metatron was the wise man Enoch. God gave both men their immortal assignments as archangels to reward them for their good work upon Earth, allowing them to continue their sacred service from Heaven. Elijah's ascention occured when he was lifted up to Heaven in a fiery chariot pulled by two horses of fire, accompanied by a whirlwind, an event recorded in the second chapter of the Book of 2 kings.
Sandalphon’s chief role is to carry human prayers to God so they may be answered. He’s said to be so tall that he extends from Earth to Heaven. Cabalistic lore says that Sandalphon can help expectant parents determine the gender of their forthcoming child, and many also believe that he’s involved with music as well.
Archaeon Sandalphon is the ruling Angel and Protector of Earth and a Master of music. He also rules the seventh heaven and is known as an Angel of Mercy and an Angel of Prayer. His name may mean "Co-Brother". Sandalphon acts to take our prayers and petitions to God, and is the guardian of our secret thoughts and wishes. He weaves the prayers of people of all Faiths into garlands and wreaths of flowers and then takes them to God for his Blessing. Some see him as being dressed in a black robe which emits sparks of pure energy, although this is more likely to be Azrael.
Archangel Sandalphon’s messages and musings come as soft whispers on the wings of angels. They’re so gentle that they can breeze by if you’re not paying attention. When you invoke Sandalphon, stay aware of any words or music you hear in your mind, as they’re most likely answers to your
He said "Judge me not by what you see, yet by what I do".
The etheric retreat of Sandalphon and his feminine counterpart, Shekhinah - Lady Patience is everywhere on and within the Earth. They desire no specific focus, so that our access to them is not confined or restricted. His energy is vast and all-encompassing; her energy is always within us. He said "I am wherever you are".
Sandalphon is charged with anchoring the Light onto Earth, and will assist us as Lightworkers to do the same, both into the planet and into our own energy bodies. He said "I am an anchor. I act to penetrate a body and anchor myself into it as a conduit of Light energy, keeping things working at root level in accordance with the Divine Plan, whilst simultaneously channelling in Divine Light, supplying all that is required in order for balance, harmony and hence stability to be achieved."
He liaises in his work with Sanat Kumara; the Elementals and their Directors; all Devic beings and with the dwellers of the Inner Earth. All the secrets of the Earth are accessible through Sandalphon, when we are ready for them, and when he believes us to be worthy and capable of understanding them. He asks us to be vigilant and caring in our relationship with the Earth and learn to live more closely in tune with her and care for the environment. Earth's birth into a new dimension of reality IS going to happen, no matter what man does. How traumatic this will be for we who inhabit her is, to a large degree, up to us all, so it is to our advantage to help make the process as smooth and safe as possible.
Sandalphon has also been said to be Metatron's twin brother, but I believe their relationship is not as "twins" in the way we might mean. Instead Sandalphon described himself and Metatron as being "Brothers in Arms". He pointed out that in many ways he and Metatron are polarities and mirrors of each other, although they do share many traits – such as love for humanity and the Earth; a joy in serving the Creator; a discipline and sense of positivity and impetus in carrying out the tasks they have agreed and are assigned.
*Prayers,delivering and answering
*Unborn babies,determining the gender of
"Beloved Archangel Sandalphon, deliver and answerer of all my prayers,
I ask for your assistance now. Please deliver my prayer[recite the prayer]
to God as soon as possible. I ask that you relay a clear message to me
that I'll easily understand. Please update me as to the progress of my request, and let me know if I need to do anything. Thank you, Sandalphon"

Dia adalah yang terbesar dari semua heirarchs Surgawi, kekuasaan tertinggi, Kanselor surga, Raja dari Angels.
Dia adalah saudara kembar dari Archangel Sandolphon dan merupakan malaikat tertinggi di Surga.
Metatron adalah malaikat Agung kematian dan guru anak-anak sebelum waktunya mati di surga.
Ia memegang sebuah gulungan kitab (The Book of Angel Raziel) di tangannya yang berisikan invocation tenaga-tenaga alam semesta terkuat.
Ketika ia diciptakan oleh Tuhan, Pemegang Kendali dari kekuasan di Bumi yang dipegang oleh Michael dpindahkan ke tangannya.
Menurut legenda ia adalah seorang manusia. Namanya Encoh, anak dari Jared dan kakek buyut Nuh.
Enoch yang memiliki The Book of Angel Raziel berjalan dengan Tuhan ketika dia meninggal, karena Tuhan membawanya pergi.
Enoch yang dagingnya telah berubah menjadi api, pembuluh darahnya menjadi api, matanya bersinar seperti kilatan petir, bola matanya menyala bagaikan obor, dan oleh Tuhan ditempatkan di atas takhta di sebelah takhta kemuliaan, yang kemudian diterima di surgawi dan diberi nama Metatron.
Dia digambarkan sebagai malaikat yang memiliki tinggi dan ukuran lebih besar dibanding malaikat lainnya dan memiliki sayap yang agung dengan memegang tome (The Book of Raziel) di tangannya.
Also known as
The meaning of Metatron's name isn't clear, since his name doesn't end in the "el" suffix of all the other archangels (with the exception of Sandalphon) "El" stands for "El Elyah" the Hebre name of the all loving God of Abraham- as opposed to the jealous, vengeful God of Moses, who is called Jehovah. So, archangel names describe their function, and then end
in "el" to mean "of God". The term angel itself means "messenger of
Metatrons unusual name probably stems from his uncommon origins, as one of only two archangels who were once mortal men who walked upon the earth (the other being Sandalphon). There is various specutation among texts and experts that the name Metatron means ‘he who occupies the throne next to the Divine throne,” He has also been called “the Angel of the Presence.”
Metatron records everything that happens on Earth and keeps it in the Akashic records (also known as The book of Life). Metatron is a fiery, energietic angel who works tirelessly to help Earth’s inhabitants. He acts as an intermediary between Heaven and Earth, since he’s had extensive experience as both a human and an angel. As such, he helps us understand Heaven’s perspective, and to learn how to work with the angelic realm. Metatron has a special place in his heart for children, especially those who are spiritually gifted. Metatron is very concerned about children who are labeled as having Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and he helps parents, educators, scientists, and health-care professionals find natural alternatives to Ridlin and other psychoactive medications.
Metatron helps newly crossed over children adjust to Heaven, and helps living children love themselves and be more focused. Metatron also helps children become aware and to accept and polish their spiritual gifts. Metatron’s energy is strong and highly focused, like a laser beam. He’s very motivational, and will encourage you to overcome procrastination and to take bold steps forward. He’s also philosophical and can help you understand things like other people’s motivations for action, and why different situations occur.
Metatron is one of the Regent Princes of the Seraphim; Chancellor of Heaven; the Scribe who takes down God's words and sometimes known as the "King of the Angels". In the celestial hierarchy, he stands at the head of the Archaeons, and has the highest vibration of them all. His name ends in "ON" meaning "great". His name has been given no translation, but may mean "Great Assessor of Light" (metator = "measurer"). It has to be said that he has an immense sense of humor, and can at times be very mischievous. He is the Cosmic joker! He and his Lady, Sofia - the Lady Constance, have an etheric Temple of Light over Luxor, Egypt, which was the Capital of Ancient Egypt. He works closely with Serapis Bey and the Ascension Flame in the Ascension Temples at Giza.
We may associate him with the colors iridescent white, gold and bronze, but his color is also the velvety blackness of the Void. This is his realm, for he is the Alpha and the Omega - the Beginning and the End, and the Guardian of the Threshold. He guards the threshold between form and non-form, standing at the opposite bridgehead to Archangel Uriel on the Bridge of Light between the Divine and the Earthly. Beyond him is the Void (the birth place of all things and the space within which all possibilities are contained) of which he is a Master.
Metatron said this about the void: "The gateway and the void are not external to yourselves - instead they exist within each one of you. Accessing this point, this still point, the "Eye of God" may be achieved through meditation and going within." It is only when we are co-creating our reality in total harmony with our life's purpose that we can truly feel complete, at peace and at one with God. To aid us with this, Metatron gives us the gift of clear and perceptive thought, which helps open our minds to new dimensions of consciousness. This insight helps us see, recognize and resolve any obstacles on our path or within our Being and also helps us understand the consequences of all our thoughts, words and deeds.
Metatron is associated with the symbol of a blacksmith's hammer, which represents the shattering of our realities, and then the forging of new ones. As a consequence he participates in the creation of all things, including the Universe, Galactic and planetary systems and social structures within the spiritual world (including the birth of soul groups and all souls). Once created, all things must evolve in order to grow, and so he also works as the Archangel of Transition in harmony with Azrael.
His power is immense, and his presence will increase our consciousness and vibration, so when working with him we need to be fully grounded in order to assimilate any changes, whilst acknowledging to ourselves the necessity of remaining on the Earth! He is a Master at creating, working with and bringing down Light. His energy is refined, strong, clarifying and pure. Behind his strength, however, you will find a blissful all encompassing love: his power also being that of Love, the Power of God.
One of his tasks is to connect us with God's love and to open our hearts, because it is through love that all possibilities are given form. To see ourselves as loving beings, we need to remove all illusion and doubt and find the True Self at the very core of our Being.
Metatron works closely in partnership with Archangel Michael and Lord Melchizedek, overseeing Earth's spiritual evolution and our ascension program. He is head of the Sirian Central Sun Council and oversees the "zone of overlap" together with Melchizedek and Michael. Metatron is "gatekeeper" and responsible for sealing the gateway of the 11:11 at the end of 2012, at which time our ascension program will be complete. He will be the last to leave this plane of Earth, our "temple of duality".
Metatron teaches us to fly with him and not be afraid to let our consciousness expand and take us to places we know nothing about. He brings great rewards for those who have the courage to step with him into the abyss - for the void is full of potential for those who have the courage to seek it. With his help all things are possible for those prepared to let go and surrender totally to Divine Will.
*Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
*Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
*Chidren’s issues
*Recordkeeping and organization
*Spiritual understanding
If a child you care about has been labeled as having ADD or ADHD, and medication has been recommended or prescribed, call upon Archangel Metatron to see if alternative treatments are viable:
"Archangel Metatron, I ask for your powerfully loving intervention in helping [name person], who has been labeled as "disordered". Please help us to know God's will for this child, and guide all the adults involved to do what's best for the child. Please help us stand strong among authority figures, and to do what we know is right. Please help all of the adults involved in making decisions on behalf of this child engage in harmonious discussions, even if there are differing opinions.Metatron, please protect this child from any harm, now and in the future. Thank you, Metatron!"
9. URIEL *******

Nama Uriel berarti "God is My Light" atau "God is Light" atau "Radiation of God" atau "Fire of God".
Uriel adalah malaikat terkemuka di pengetahuan, dan memiliki banyak sebutan sebagai Seraph, Cherub, Regent of Sun, Fire of God, dan Angel of Presence. Sebagai salah satu anggota yang paling setia dan berdedikasi, Uriel juga ditempatkan bertugas untuk menjaga Tartarus (jurang maut).
Legenda juga mengatakan bahwa Uriel berdiri di pintu gerbang The Lost Eden dengan pedang berapi-api dengan sayapnya yang beraura emas keunguan. Dikatakan Uriel merupakan salah satu malaikat yang meratakan kota Sodom dan Gomora menjadi abu berdasarkan perintah Tuhan untuk penghakiman terhadap manusia-manusia yang melanggar perintah-Nya.
Namanya sendiri berarti "Terang (Api) Tuhan". Uriel merupakan salah satu malaikat kerub yang turut menjaga jalan di taman Eden. Uriel digambarkan sebagai malaikat dengan pedang api.
Meskipun nama Uriel tidak disebut dalam Alkitab, Uriel juga disebut-sebut sebagai malaikat yang turun saat tulah ke-10 di Mesir berlangsung. Uriel memeriksa setiap rumah yang maupun tidak dilumuri oleh darah anak domba. Uriel juga dikabarkan sebagai malaikat yang menyelamatkan Yohanes Pembaptis dari pembantaian bayi-bayi yang dilakukan oleh raja Herodes.
Dalam kitab Henokh (apokrif), Uriel juga diceritakan sebagai malaikat keempat dari tujuh malaikat pengawas (penjaga). Selain itu, Uriel juga diceritakan sebagai malaikat yang memberi kabar kepada nabi Nuh tentang banjir besar yang akan melanda seluruh bumi.
Dia adalah salah satu dari tujuh Archangel yang berdiri di hadapan takhta Tuhan.
ArchAngel Uriel or Auriel
The name Uriel literally means
"Fire of God," "Flame of God,"
"Light of God,"
or even "Sun of God."
Arch Angel Uriel’s (who is the most funny and easy going of the lot) name is said to mean "Fire Of God" and Webster says he represents clear thinking, his element is Earth, his direction is north, his season is summer, his color is white and his zodiac signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. He would then represent the bull.
The meaning of the name Auriel or Uriel is "The Light or Fire of God." He is said to be related to Haniel and Phanael, both of these archangels are considered to be in the Briatic aspect of the sephira of Netzach which relates them to Venus.
Haniel means "The Grace of God," Phanael means "The Face (appearance) of God." Depending on the situation, Auriel can express himself in our lives in either one of these aspects.
URIEL, who coordinates the work of all the Archangels within the gross material body, is Uriel - U-Ra-El, as known to the Egyptian forefathers. U stands for space and Ra for the sun: "Space - Sun - God". The great harmonizer of substance, Uriel keeps the Universal Law of Order and Harmony, both within and between each body. Uriel is the great harmonizer and balancer of substance. He brings you the red ray of light, that give us the energy to act in the present time and through this helps us discover our true potential.
*Arch Angel Uriel can, and will, perform the "eleventh hour miracle"--when all hope seems gone, or time is against you, invoke him and he will descend suddenly and dramatically, sweeping natural laws aside and putting the world on its head, and you will know that the age of miracles is not gone and "the Lord IS God".
Meaning - "God is light", "God's light", Fire of God"
Uriel is considered one of the wisest Archangels because of his intellectual information, practical solutions and creative insight, but he is very subtle. You may not even realize he has answered your prayer until you've suddenly come up with a brilliant new idea.
Uriel warned Noah of the impending flood, helped the prophet Ezra to interpret mystical predictions about the coming Messiah and delivered the Cabal to humankind. He also brought the knowledge and practice of alchemy and the ability to manifest from thin air, as well as illuminates situations and gives prophetic information and warnings. All this considered, Uriel's area of expertise is divine magic, problem solving, spiritual understanding, studies, alchemy, weather, earth changes and writing. Considered to be the Archangel who helps with earthquakes, floods, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, natural disaster and earth changes, call on Uriel to avert such events or to heal and recover in their aftermath
In the eighth century, the Christian Church became alarmed at the rampant and excessive zeal with which many of the faithful were revering Angels. For some unknown reason, in 145 A.D. under Pope Zachary, a Roman council ordered seven Angels removed from the ranks of the Church’s recognized Angels, one of them being Uriel.

Ariel (Hebrew: אריאל, Ari'el, Arael or Ariael) is an archangel found primarily in Jewish and Christian mysticism and Apocrypha. Generally presented as an authority over the Earth and its elements, Ariel has also been called an angel of healing, wrath & creation.
The Hebrew name "Ariel" means literally "Altar" or "Lion of God", and occurs in the OT, e.g. Is 29,1-7, where it is used as a label for Jerusalem. "Ariel" has been called an ancient name for the leontomorphic Gnostic Demiurge (Creator God). Historically, the entity Ariel was often pictured in mysticism as a lion-headed deity or demon with power over the Earth, giving a strong foundation for Ariel's association with the Demiurge. It is possible that the name itself was even adopted from the Demiurge's Zoroastrian counterpart Ahriman (who is likely the predecessor of the Mithraic "Arimanius"). According to the German occultist Cornelius Agrippa: "Ariel is the name of an angel, sometimes also of a demon, and of a city, whence called Ariopolis, where the idol is worshipped."
Ariel is often associated with the better known Judeo-Christian Archangel Uriel. The name "Auriel" is commonly used to denote the combined, However, Elizabethan court astrologer John Dee called "Ariel" a "conglomerate of Anael and Uriel."
Ariel is an Archangel closely related to nature. She is particularly helpful for teachers and healers and assists with psychic development. She works with Raphael when healing the physical body. If a lion appears you know Archangel Ariel is with you.

Zarachiel adalah archangel yang juga mendatangkan kesembuhan seperti Raphael, tetapi juga malaikat baik pengambil nyawa.
Menurut beberapa sumber apokrif, Zarachiel adalah malaikat yang memberikan pengetahuan kepada Musa serta yang mengangkat jiwa Musa. Zarachiel juga diutus oleh Tuhan untuk memberitahukan arti mimpi Yakub tentang tangga.

Phanuel adalah archangel pengusir setan. Arti dari Phanuel sendiri adalah "Wajah Tuhan".
Dikenal juga sebagai Orfiel, Paniel.
Ada beberapa sumber yang mengartikan Phanuel dan Uriel adalah malaikat yang sama, namun Henokh menggambarkan bahwa dua malaikat ini adalah berbeda. Dalam kitab Henokh, Phanuel bertugas untuk menjaga orang-orang yang sudah menerima keselamatan dari Yesus Kristus. Musuh Phanuel adalah para antikristus. Pada pertempuran Armageddon (pertempuran akhir zaman), Phanuel-lah yang akan menyerahkan iblis kepada Yesus untuk dikalahkan.
Dengan menggabungkan berbagai sumber, mungkin Phanuel-lah malaikat yang mengatakan dalam kitab Wahyu (11:15), "Pemerintahan atas dunia dipegang oleh Tuhan kita dan Dia yang diurapi-Nya, dan Ia akan memerintah sebagai raja sampai selama-lamanya."

zrael (Izrail) the Angel of Death. Malaikat Gabriel seringkali digambarkan sebagai malaikat “tangan kanan Tuhan”, yang menjadi pelaksana kehendakNya di dunia ini. Sehingga apa-apa yang direncanakanNya dipastikan terjadi di dunia.
Sementara itu, Malaikat Azrael menjadi malaikat yang paling ditakuti oleh manusia dan semua makhluk hidup lainnya. Karena tugasnya adalah mencabut nyawa dan menghentikan segala kemungkinan dari jalan kehidupan kita !
Gambaran tentang Azrael telah ada sejak agama Persia kuno, yang kemudian dilanjutkan oleh agama Kristen dan kemudian agama Islam. Meskipun perdebatan masih terus berlangsung tentang asal muasal dan siapa sebenarnya Azrael (sebagian umat Yahudi meyakini Azrael awalnya sebagai manusia yang kemudian diangkat ke surga menjadi malaikatNya, dan ada sebagian yang meyakininya sebagai “anak Tuhan”), namun kisah yang terbentang sepanjang sejarah tentang posisi dan tugasnya nyaris senada.
Azrael adalah malaikat yang ditugaskan pertama kali oleh Tuhan untuk mengumpulkan tanah liat dari muka bumi, sebagai bahan dasar penciptaan manusia. Dan Azrael lah yang berhasil “memaksa” bumi menyerahkan tanah liat -setelah awalnya bumi mengelak memberi dan mempertanyakan kewenangannya-. Maka Tuhan memberinya kedudukan sebagai “eksekutor” yang akan menggenggam umur dan mematikan manusia serta semua makhluq hidup lainnya yang akan IA cipta. Tentu saja dengan izin dan atas perintahNya.
Dalam Muslim dan teologi Islam, Azrael adalah Malaikat Maut yang "selamanya menulis dalam sebuah buku besar dan selamanya menghapus apa yang ia menulis:. apa yang ia menulis adalah lahirnya manusia, apa yang menghapus adalah nama orang pada saat kematian"
Azrael, juga dikenal sebagai Izra'il, salah satu dari empat Archangel Islam (Mikhail, Djibril, dan Israfil), digambarkan sebagai memiliki proporsi raksasa: satu kaki terletak pada baik keluar atau langit ketujuh, sementara yang lain adalah pada jembatan antara neraka dan surga. Seharusnya Azrael Allah membawa segenggam bumi dari yang untuk menciptakan Adam dan karena itu meraih gelar sebagai Malaikat Maut.
Azrael akan menjadi yang terakhir untuk mati.
Azrael's name means 'Whom God helps'. Azrael's role is primarily to cross people over to heaven at the time of physical death. Azrael comforts people prior to their physical death, ensures they do not suffer during death, and helps them to assimilate on the other side. Call upon Azrael for support and comfort. Grief Counseling. Assists Newly Crossed Over Soul. Compassion, peace, transition and comfort. Patron Angel of the Clergy
The term angel of death is pretty broad, and may refer to numerous different beings or entities. With Christianity, the archangel Michael is often referred to as the angel of death. Within the Roman Catholic Church, the archangel Michael, or Saint Michael as he is often referred to, has four primary duties or tasks that he is responsible for. One of those duties is that he acts as the angel of death, carrying the departed souls of the dead or deceased into heaven. Once Michael and the departed soul reach the heavenly gates, the soul is then judged by Michael, which is the reason in art he is often depicted holding scales. As the legend goes, Michael arrives upon the hour of death, and then gives the soul the chance to redeem itself. While Michael escorts the soul, Lucifer and his demons usually try to intervene, so that they can persuade the soul to follow the Prince of Darkness into hell. There are many Renaissance paintings that show this set of events.
With regard to Islam, the angel of death usually refers to Azrael, who is also called the Archangel of Death. Outside of traditional Islamic beliefs, Azrael is also regarded as the angel of death in Islamic extrabiblical tradition, as well as in secular Islamic folklore. If you come across the name of Azrael within English Islamic text or scripture, you will sometimes see his name spelt Azra'il, Azra'eil, Izrail, Azrail, Ezraeil, Ozryel, Izrael, Azrin, Azriel, Azryel, or Azraille. Despite the numerous spelling variations, they all refer to the same angelic entity. With regard to this celestial being's function, he is usually depicted as the personification of death itself in the broadest of terms. Azrael is also believed to be under the direct command of the will of God himself. It is also said that he will be the last to die, so that he can carry on the work of meticulously cataloguing every single life and death that has ever taken place throughout all of time.
In Judaism the term angel of death mostly refers to Gabriel, however it can also refer to Samael and Sariel. In ancient Hebrew scripture, as well as noncanonical Jewish literary works, Gabriel often fills the same role that Michael does in Christianity. When a person dies, Gabriel descends from the clouds to guide the departed soul to heaven. Upon reaching the gates of heaven, Gabriel will judge the soul's worthiness, and either walk them into heaven, or cast them down into hell. As far as Samael is concerned, he is a high ranking angel who acts as a seducer, destroyed, and accuser, a figure that is often affiliated with both good and evil. It is also believed that Samael was the personal guardian of Esau, the patron saint to the mighty Roman Empire. The archangel Suriel is another renown Judaic character that is also known as the benevolent angel of death, and it is said that he personally guided the departed soul of Moses himself into the afterlife.
Outside of the three Abrahamic religions, the angel of death is quite a common figure in myth, folklore, and pop culture. In fictional literary works there are almost an unlimited number of reference to this figure, such works include the Angel of Death novel by Jack Higgins, and another of the same name by Alane Ferguson. In film and digital media there have been tons of works entitled the Angel of Death, spanning across many decades. Strangely, real people themselves have often been labeled the angel of death by society, after they have committed evil deeds. It is not known exactly when this gloomy figure first came to use, but archaeological evidence suggests that similar characters are traceable all the way back to the dawn of civilization. The ancient Egyptians have several different figures responsible for guiding departed or lost souls through the underworld, as did the Romans, Greeks, Babylonians, and the Persians.

Selaphiel atau Salathiel merupakan archangel simbol rendah hati dan sikap doa. Selaphiel sendiri berarti "Doa Tuhan". Dalam tradisi Ortodox, orang-orang sering berdoa dalam nama-Nya pada saat mengalami gangguan maupun cobaan. Selaphiel diceritakan dalam kitab II Esdras.
Archangel ( /ˌɑrk.ˈeɪndʒəl/) is a term meaning an angel of high rank. Archangels are found in a number of religious traditions, including Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Michael and Gabriel are recognized as archangels by Judaism and by most Christians. The book of Tobit mentions Raphael, who is also considered by some to be an archangel; Tobit is recognized in the Catholic and Orthodox versions of the Bible, but considered apocryphal by Protestants. The archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael are venerated in the Roman Catholic Church with a feast on September 29 (formerly March 24 for Gabriel and 24 October for Raphael). The named archangels in Islam are Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Azrael. In Zoroastrianism, sacred texts allude to the six great Amesha Spenta (literally "divine sparks") of Ahura Mazda. Other traditions have identified a group of seven Archangels, the names of which vary, depending on the source.

Barachiel adalah archangel yang memberikan berkat. Barachiel berarti "Berkat Tuhan". Dia digambarkan sebagai seorang malaikat yang membawa mawar. Barachiel juga disebut sebagai pemimpin dari seluruh malaikat pelindung. Tidak harus melalui malaikat pelindung, Barachiel tetap memberikan berkatnya dengan atau tanpa melalui malaikat pelindung tersebut.
Saint Barachiel the Archangel (Heb. ברכיאל "the blessings of God"), also Barchiel or Barkiel, is one of the seven Archangels in Eastern Orthodox tradition.
In the Third Book of Enoch he is described as one of the angelic princes, with a myriad of some 496,000 ministering angels attending him. He is counted as one of the four ruling seraphim, and counted the prince of the second heaven and of the order of confessors. He is described in the Almadel of Solomon as one of the chief angels of the first and fourth chora.[1] He is also regarded as the angel of lightning.[2]

Anael (Haniel) adalah Malaikat dari semua kekuatan cinta dan harmoni dan dapat membantu Anda membawa mereka ke dalam hidup Anda.
Dia juga dapat membantu Anda dalam hal artistik.
Untuk harmoni dan inspirasi dalam hidup Anda, ini adalah malaikatnya.
Haniel (Hebrew: הניאל, "Joy of God" or Hebrew: חַנִּיאֵל, "Grace of God"), also known as Anael, Hanael or Aniel, is an angel in Jewish lore and angelology, and is often included in lists as being one of the seven archangels. Haniel is generally associated with the planet Venus, he is also the archangel of the Sephirah Netzach. The name Haniel probably derives from Hebrew hana'ah, "joy", "pleasure" (qualities associated with Venus) + the suffix -el, "God".
The Archangel Haniel is the angel of Love, Romance and Beauty. She wants you to know that she is with you and is sending you BEAMS of loving, healing energy. You can call on her to help uplift the energies in your relationships -- to help make things more harmonious, loving and peaceful. She can also surround you with romantic energy and send her Romance Angels to guide you to your soul mate or to help you to experience more romance in your life. She can even help you with any physical attractiveness-issues and help you to feel and look more beautiful, youthful and vibrant!

e is credited with helping Baruch, a prolific author of apocryphal Judaic texts in the first century A.D., with his prophetic visions. It is also said that he took Baruch on a tour of the different levels of Heaven. The coming of the Messiah was one of Jeremiel's visions.In ancient J
Jeremiel is that Archangel who review's our lives with us after we've crossed over. He is also able to do this for us while we're still living, helping us to review our life up till now so we can correct the wrongs we've done by making positive adjustments. Through this, he's able to help us make life changes, making us stronger and lead us to the right path.
Jeremiel also helps us with clairvoyance and prophetic visions, and helps us to interpret psychic dreams.

Meaning "Friend of God"
Referred to as the Archangel of Justice and Fairness, Raguel oversees all the other Archangels and Angels. He watches over them to make sure they’re working well together in a harmonious and orderly fashion according to Divine order and will.
Raguel is the Archangel for the underdog. Call on him for help when you need to be empowered and respected. He helps to resolve arguments, helps with cooperation and leads to harmony in groups and families. Raguel defends the unfairly treated, and provides support with mediation of disputes.
In the Revelation of John, Raguel is referred to as an assistant to God in the following account: "Then shall He send the Angel Raguel, saying: Go and sound the trumpet for the Angels of cold and snow and ice, and bring together every kind of wrath upon them that stand on the left."
Despite his exalted position, for some unexplained reason Raguel was reprobated in 745 A.D. by the Roman church (along with some other high-level Angels, including Uriel). At this time Pope Zachary described Raguel as a demon who "passed himself off as a saint".

Raziel works very closely with the Creator and its believed he knows all of the secrets of the Universe and how it operates. He wrote down all of these secrets in a tome of symbols and Divine magic called "The Book of the Angel Raziel". After Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden, Raziel gave Adam the book for guidance about manifestation and God's grace. Later the prophet Enoch received the book prior to his ascension and transformation into Archangel Metatron. Noah was also given a copy of the book by Archangel Raphael and Noah used the information to build his ark and help its inhabitants after the flood.
Raziel can help you understand esoteric material, manifestation principles, sacred geometry, quantum physics and other high-level information. He can also open you up to higher levels of psychic abilities and increase your ability to see, hear, know and feel Divine guidance. Like a Divine wizard, Raziel can also assist you with alchemy, clairvoyance, and divine magic.
20. ISRAFEL *******

Dikenal sebagai "Burning One" dan "Angel of Song".
Merupakan Malaikat Pelindung Tamu yang dikatakan memiliki suara termanis dari semua makhluk Tuhan yang menyanyi memuji Tuhan dalam seribu bahasa yang berbeda.
Pada akhir dunia, Israfel akan turun ke bumi dan berdiri di atas batu karang suci di Yerusalem, dan meniup sangkakala mengagumkan yang akan membangkitkan orang mati dari tidur mereka dan memanggil semua yang pernah hidup untuk tampil dan diadili.
Israfel melihat tiga kali setiap hari dan tiga kali setiap malam ke kedalaman neraka, dan sedih pada penderitaan orang-orang terkutuk jiwanya dimana kemudian ia akan menangis sehingga air matanya akan membanjiri bumi.
Dia adalah salah satu dari tujuh Archangel yang berdiri di hadapan takhta Tuhan menggantikan Lucifer, dengan alat musik di tangannya dan digambarkan memiliki sayap yang memilik aura berwarna merah muda cerah.
Israfel or Israfil (Arabic: إسرافيل) ("The Burning One"), is the angel of the trumpet in Islam, though unnamed in the Qur'an. Along with Mikhail, Djibril and Izra'il, he is one of the four Islamic archangels.[1]
Archangel Israfel is the Angel of beauty, song, counsel, sympathy, and resurrection. He is a compassionate Angel, always inclined to offer comfort and guidance to those who are feeling lost and abandoned, and bring joy and laughter back to those who are without hope. He wants us to know that we are never alone and inspires us to love ourselves and to be confident and have faith.
Israfel is the Patron Angel of entertainers who brings mankind the gift of song, and with it the joy that will inevitably follow. He is a special Angel to musicians and those concerned with beauty, be it beauty in art or the beauty of life. His most famous instrument is the trumpet, but he is also mentioned playing the lute. Those two represent all string, pluck and wind instruments.
If you are the kind of trumpeter that’ll “wake the dead” in the middle of the night, you may have more in common with Israfel than you though. For he is also the Angel of resurrection, and what does he use to awaken the dead from their slumber at the end of the world? That’s right. A trumpet. His role at the final judgement makes him the Angel of life and new beginnings, representing the kind of hope that fills us when the sun rises over the horizon to drive away the darkness of the night.

Also known as Casiel, Cassiel Mocoton, Kafziel, Mocoton? Qafsiel, Qaphsiel, Qaspiel, Quaphsiel.
(Jewish, Christian, Islamic tradition)
Meaning: "Speed of God".
Angel of Peace and Harmony whose symbol is a Dove.
A high ranking angel who figures prominently in the writings of occultists. He is said to be the Sarim or Prince Regent of the choir of angels called the Powers and a Regent of the Seventh Heaven.
The supreme regent of Saturn and Capricorn. He presides over all the waters and is the protector of everything that lives within the waters.
He is thought to be the angel of solitudes and tears, among whose duties it is to bring forth "the unity of the Eternal Kingdom" and the angel of tears and temperance.
An angel of good fortune, helping you to create your own good fortune and to reap the rewards of positive thinking.
His greatest gifts are patience, tolerance and strengthening of inner convictions, giving the strength to toil and to have inner discipline and belief in ourselves. He is also said to be the Bringer of the Red Healing Light, carrying energy and passion. He holds the power to help you bring works into being and create quickly.
As Kafziel ("Speed of God"), he is the angel who rules over the death of kings and one of seven gnostic Archangels who rules Saturn. In the Zohar, he also served as one of Gabriel's chief supporters, along with Hizkiel, during the angelic battles.
As Qafsiel, he is a regent of the Moon and a guardian of the halls of the Seventh Heaven. He is said to be the angel to invoke with a charm to drive away enemies. The words are written with the blood of a bird and then tied to the foot of a dove. If the dove flies away, it takes the enemy with it. If the dove refuses to fly, it is a sign that enemies will not depart either.
In the Picture Museum of Sorcery, Magic and Alchemy is a reproduction of a page out of the 'Book of Spirits' showing how to conjure Cassiel. In this book and also 'The Magus' are his sigil and his signature. In The Magus, he is called Cassiel Mocoton and pictures him as a bearded jinn riding a dragon. In the second book of The Magus, Cassiel and Mocoton are two separate entities.

Râmîêl (Aramaic: רעמאנל, Hebrew: רעמיאל Greek:‘Ραμιήλ) is a fallen Watcher in the apocryphal Book of Enoch, one of 20 leaders, mentioned sixth. Ramiel means "thunder of God"[1] from the Hebrew elementsra'am and El, "God".
Remiel is one of the archangels of the Christian and Islamic traditions, the Hebrew name meaning "Mercy of God" or "Compassion of God" (see Jerahmeel). He is often confused with Azazel who is also called Râmêêl ("arrogant towards God" or "evening of God") although they are not the same angel.
There are 20 leaders in the Book of Enoch, also called 1 Enoch. The section that mentions them reads:
“ 7. And these are the names of their leaders: Sêmîazâz, their leader, Arâkîba, Râmêêl, Kôkabîêl, Tâmîêl, Râmîêl, Dânêl, Êzêqêêl, Barâqîjâl, Asâêl, Armârôs, Batârêl, Anânêl, Zaqîêl, Samsâpêêl, Satarêl, Tûrêl, Jômjâêl, Sariêl.
8. These are their chiefs of tens." - R. H. Charles translation, The Book of the Watchers, Chapter VI. ”
As described in 1 Enoch, these are the leaders of 200 angels that are turned into fallen Angels due to their taking wives, mating with human women, and teaching forbidden knowledge.
Ramiel is the angel of hope, and he is credited with two tasks: he is responsible for divine visions, and he guides the souls of the faithful into Heaven. He is called Jeremiel or Uriel in various translations of IV Esdras, and is described as "one of the holy angels whom God has set over those who rise" from the dead, in effect the angel that watches over those that are to resurrect.
He is said to have been the archangel responsible for the destruction of the armies of Sennacherib, as well as being the bearer of the instructions of the seven archangels.
He is mentioned also in 2 Baruch where he presides over true visions (55:3).
******* TANDA
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